The #1 most important thing you said: Avoid places where assholes hang out ….. great advice that I hope most of the people reading this will never need.

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You kind of mentioned it, but I'd like to underline the role of alcohol in street violence (and pretty much every other problem). Avoiding drinking in public and places where other people are drinking cuts out 99.9% of the chance of ever being in a fight with a random stranger.

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May I add: Time of day. It’s been my experience as a firefighter in a busy downtown that NOTHING GOOD HAPPENS AFTER 10PM. Be home by then, trouble will still be getting ready to go out.

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Stupid hour seems to be 10pm to 4am. Add alcohol.

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Yo ain’t that the truth man.

I’m convinced it’s it’s almost impossible to get murdered if you stay inside during then

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Same for cops, they say. Night shift is a different beast.

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Lots of logic and common sense here. Good, no, excellent article.

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Much appreciated! Thanks for enjoying!

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This is why I run 2 miles a day, no one can hurt what they can't catch!

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wise words!

me on the martial arts path:

year 0) be aware at all times

year 1) killing people will get you in jail

year 2) people are delicate and easy to kill

year 13) don't go into bars

year ??) being polite costs nothing, saves much

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Love the restraint mixed with the hard reality of what it takes to survive. Navigated a lot of bullshit bullies in my life and only one close encounter with a knife. Ran. Wounded, but walked away.

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Much appreciated. Would love if you shared this post!

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I agreed with all of this. In fact it was an unlikely thing to pop up in my feed but it's all good advice and to be honest in many difficult situations,even taking something back to a shop. We are told to go in shouting about our rights and demanding refunds etc but that just makes them angry but a polite and gentle explanation of why the item doesn't work gets the result. Back in the 70s,80s,90s we often used to have local news items on our tv(in UK) telling of self defence classes for ladies but I always thought that was a terrible idea as what if your attacker had also trained in judo,or Kung Fu or whatever.

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Looks like I need to leave the big E’s at home: Ego & Emotion.

I guess that’s a good idea on many levels.

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Ego, Emotion & Ethyl alcohol.

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I'm just gonna stay home

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Great post. You probably increase your chances of being assaulted by about 1000% just by walking into a place that serves alcohol, particularly dodgy bars.

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Appropriate self-defense training (e.g. a striking art like karate and a grappling art like BJJ) will enhance all your points of advice, especially "Be and look strong" and "If you have to street fight, swing first and neutralize." If you want peace, prepare for war.

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Pull out the widowmaker

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Great advice. You know what really ticks me off? When welll meanng people tell women to fight back.

There isn't one woman on earth, including the biggest strongest woman, who is equal to 99% of men in a bare knuckle fight.

Neutralize and escape. But better yet avoid where assholes hang out.

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You said, “As long as the person isn’t disrespecting or blatantly attempting to harm you, let it go and keep it moving.” I interpret that as you saying that someone disrespecting you is a reason to confront the disrespectful person and escalate the situation. That sounds like what causes shootings in large cities every day and seems to contradict everything else that you said about avoiding conflict with strangers when possible.

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There is a middle ground. In my experience, disrespectful behavior that isn't a response leads to problems no matter what you do.

I do need to clarify though. My sentence doesn't make the claim that clearly.

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