'Don't take out debt if you don’t have the skillset, resources, or work ethic to pay back a debt.'

Sadly, this seems to be something that's all too common in our society. Many people, who have financial difficulties and want to pursue certain things in life take on debts that end up being too much for them to handle.

This is why it's so crucial to have education on financial planning and management in our society.

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Very deep, thank you.

Very little positive advice can be of help to those living in a Toxic environment (could be the whole country). One needs to see the whole system (population), then the best way out is to practice problem dis-solving ie you change the constraint and myriad problems simply die off. Everything goes quiet. In the meantime:

Kindness mantra:

"I am worthy.

I am loved.

I am cared for.

I care for others.

I choose only good for myself.

I choose only good for others.

I love myself

I love others.

I open my heart.

My heart is open."

Then feel the change in the vibration of your being.

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Exactly Raveen. It's natural to overestimate the ability to repay. And you forgo a lot of opportunities if it does not work out....whether in college, buying a car, renting high end or buying a home. Maybe there could be some television time devoted to repay what you owe. We've got to educate. Even Congress misuses credit!

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Sometimes in my thoughts, I say to myself, "I'm just as _____ as others who buy or spend on this stuff. They made it so far and so can I." Effective advertisers are working too well. Just another thing to work on for me.

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Yes understood.

This is exactly how…


To destroy any society and prevent it from building, maintaining and keeping anything, with the exception of rule 10 - don’t take on more debt than you can pay back.

No trust? Then you’re alone in a very dangerous world.

Getting worse; Here’s the AAR (After Action Review) on Butler;

They froze.

See it’s Fight, Flight or FREEZE.

The security and police froze until the bullets dropped people.

Freeze is where the lawyers come in…

The main problem being;

No Trust.

The on the ground people couldn’t trust anyone above them or outside their set to back them up if they shot before Crook did.

This is happening in war, yes US Forces, I was there.

I didn’t freeze.

I didn’t like the bad outcome but I took responsibility.

(I was responsible).

As opposed to pointing fingers.

…as it all it all turned out not being a rat finger pointer was the correct solution to The Prisoners Dilemma.

Do think it over, the world is indeed changing to a “zero trust model “ - the number of untrustworthy people is now going to swing back towards..Zero.

Your word will soon mean your life or death.

Especially in America.

The rules above are rules for short term success at the cost of mass extinction, because the untrustworthy go extinct in really tough times.

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